EPSB.ca » Our Division » Topics of Interest » Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity


Our Division promotes welcoming, inclusive, safe and healthy working and learning environments for everyone, regardless of a person's actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.

We are proud to be the first school jurisdiction in both Alberta and the Prairies to develop a comprehensive stand-alone policy and administrative regulation to support sexual and gender diverse (2SLGBTQIA+) students, staff and families.

In addition to the Board of Trustees’ Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity policy and our administrative regulation, we strive to provide sexual and gender diverse groups with ongoing opportunities to engage with the school, one another and the community.


Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)

Division consultants provide guidance to support and sustain GSAs, previously known as gay-straight alliances, including:

  • facilitating ongoing GSA professional development opportunities for staff advisers
  • collaborating with local community organizations to provide further support and guidance

Safe Contact Program

Every school has at least one staff member trained as a Safe Contact to:

  • consult, support and advocate for sexual and gender diverse and questioning students and their families to feel safe, valued, respected and fully included in their school community
  • encourage these students and families to actively participate and positively contribute to their schools and communities without fear for their personal safety or well-being
  • share professional resources and information on sexual orientation and gender identity and expression topics with staff, students and the larger school community

In-School Support

Division consultants support school communities in creating safe spaces and inclusive learning environments for all sexual and gender diverse staff, students and families.


Pink Shirt Day

On the last Wednesday of every February, a sea of pink sweeps across the Division as staff and students promote a safe, inclusive and supportive environment for all students regardless of their actual or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity or gender expression.

The national Pink Shirt Day initiative originates from a story of bystander empowerment, and has since spread across the country with millions of Canadians taking part each year.

Pride at Edmonton Public Schools

At the Edmonton Public School board meeting on May 28, 2019, trustees voted unanimously to declare the first week of June each year to be Pride Week in the Division. During Pride Week, schools show their support for 2SLGBTQIA+ students, staff and families. You can share messages of acceptance and pride using the hashtags #PrideInEducation and #EPSB on social media.‌