Wed, 14 Jun, 2017
Starting in August, 17 schools will pilot a new and improved version of SchoolZone, including:
Since 2006, SchoolZone has served as Edmonton Public Schools’ main online tool for supporting communication between schools and families. Like all useful tools, SchoolZone must grow and evolve to meet everyone’s needs.
Last year, we invited parents, students and staff to share their thoughts about the tool; we asked what was working well and how we could make it better. Nearly 4000 people gave their feedback. We learned that staff, students and families thought SchoolZone was useful, but some improvements would make it easier for people to find the information they need.
Pilot school families and staff use the redesigned version of SchoolZone throughout 2017-2018. This year-long pilot allows us to test and adjust the features and design before rolling out the new version District-wide.
We’ll reach out to those involved to ask what they liked about the new version of SchoolZone and how it could be even more efficient.
We plan to expand the new version of SchoolZone across Edmonton Public Schools.
Staying connected with families is important, and we couldn’t test this tool without them. Thank you to the school communities involved for helping us improve our communication with families.