EPSB.ca » Schools » Get Involved » Playground Planning » Funding and Donations

Funding and donations

Your fundraising committee sets the budget, fundraising strategy and timeline to keep the project on track and to generate donations. Grants are also available.

Preparing your budget

Your playground project manager will help estimate costs to develop your budget. Once the budget is determined, it’s time to start fundraising.


Edmonton Public Schools does not provide funding for school playgrounds. All funds must come from fundraising and grants. Learn about grants for playground projects.


There are some important things to keep in mind about charitable donation receipts and donor recognition.

Charitable status

Only donations made directly to the school or Division are eligible for charitable donation receipts. Donations made directly to a parent fundraising association or playground committee do not qualify.

Funds the Division holds for a playground project count as matching funds to apply for grants.

Recognition for donations

Any plaques, signs or donation structures must meet the Division’s Public Recognition and Naming of Physical Spaces or Educational Programs regulation. Your committee should work with your school principal and playground project manager to consider options.

Generally, donor names cannot be tiered to show larger or smaller donation amounts.


If you need help or more information, ask your principal to put you in touch with the school’s administrative assistant or school accountant.

Purchasing process

The Division works with pre-qualified playground equipment vendors and is responsible for buying playground equipment. After vendors send their invoices, the playground committee will transfer funds to the Division. 

More information

Read our Playground Planning Guide for comprehensive information and resources about:

  • planning
  • playground design
  • grants
  • the process leading to the purchase and installation of playground equipment (tendering)
  • construction for new and existing playgrounds