EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board of Trustees » About the Board » Trustee Code of Conduct Complaints

Trustee Code of Conduct Complaints

The Trustee Code of Conduct sets out the standards for the conduct of members of the Board of Trustees of Edmonton School Division (the Board). Any person who identifies or witnesses conduct by a Trustee that they reasonably believe is in contravention of the Code of Conduct may submit a complaint. Where appropriate, people are encouraged to first try to address the conduct using the informal complaint process. However, this is not required prior to pursuing the formal complaint process.

Submit a complaint

Anyone who believes a Trustee has violated the Trustee Code of Conduct may submit a complaint. This includes staff, students, other Trustees or any member of the public.

Informal complaints

The quickest and easiest way to make a complaint is to contact the Trustee directly by phone or email, let them know their conduct appears to violate the Code of Conduct and ask them to stop the conduct.

If contacting the Trustee directly doesn’t resolve the issue to your satisfaction, or if you aren’t comfortable contacting the Trustee directly, you can speak to the Board Chair. If the complaint involves the Board Chair, you can speak to the Vice-Chair, instead.

Formal complaints

If the informal complaint process doesn’t resolve the issue, or if you feel you can’t use the informal process, you may submit a formal complaint. You are not required to use the informal process before submitting a formal complaint.

Formal complaints must be submitted not later than 90 days of becoming aware of the alleged conduct violation. The complaints reviewer may extend this period in certain circumstances.

Anonymous complaints will not be considered by the complaints reviewer. However, the complaints reviewer has the discretion to make a complaint anonymous if they feel including a name may compromise the process.

To submit a formal complaint, print or download the complaint form. Email your completed form to EPSBTrusteeComplaint@kingsgate.legal or mail a printed copy to:

Kingsgate Legal
2100 Bell Tower 10104 103 Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 0H8
Attn: EPSB Trustee Complaint Reviewer

All formal complaints are only reviewed by a third-party reviewer. They are not seen or reviewed by the Board of Trustees or any Edmonton Public Schools staff unless you choose to share them.

When the reviewer receives your complaint, they will review it and open an investigation. If the reviewer finds the complaint meets the criteria, they will notify you and the Trustee(s) involved. 

If the third-party reviewer finds the complaint doesn’t meet the criteria, they will close the file and notify you. Complaints that don’t meet the criteria includes those that:

  • are not about a current Trustee
  • allege criminal activity
  • allege a violation of the Education Act or the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP)
  • are covered by other applicable legislative appeal, complaint or court processes
  • have no grounds or insufficient grounds for investigation
  • are deemed by the complaints reviewer to be frivolous, vexatious or not made in good faith

Should there be an investigation, the reviewer will submit the results to the Board of Trustees to make a decision about how to handle it. The Trustee who is the subject of the complaint will not be involved in making the decision.

Once the Board has made a decision about your complaint, you will be notified of the decision in writing. The Trustee(s) whose behaviour you complained about will also get written notice of the decision.

Personal information of the complainant and records received, reviewed or generated during the investigation and disposition of a complaint will remain strictly confidential in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP). The Board, on a case-by-case basis, may direct that the disposition of a complaint be made public.