EPSB.ca » Our Division » Results and Plans » Capital Planning

Capital Planning

Quality learning environments and programs are essential for the success of students. Working with funding provided by the Government of Alberta, the Division plans and prioritizes its capital needs carefully to meet the needs of students today and in the future.


The Division's stewardship of our facilities is guided by a set of overarching infrastructure planning principles. 

Read the board policy on Infrastructure Planning Principles (EA.BP).


To ensure we invest responsibly and strategically in all our school buildings, it’s important that we clearly understand the condition of our school infrastructure.

A 2016–17 audit on 171 school buildings showed that the total deferred maintenance is $757 million. That means we need to spend $757 million on those schools to keep them in suitable operating condition.

Read our value management study report for detailed results from the school audits. Results for each school building are also available by selecting a school marker on our condition assessments map, then clicking the link for more info in the pop-up window.

Surplus school sites

When a school site is declared surplus, the Division no longer has a need for the building. Typically, this decision is made because the building has reached the end of its expected lifespan and the cost of operating and maintaining the building outweighs any potential revenue that might be received by renting it out.

Learn what we do with surplus school sites.


Capital planning is an ongoing responsibility, and school jurisdictions are required by the Government of Alberta to:

  • have a ten-year facilities plan
  • submit a three-year capital plan
  • submit requests for new or relocations of existing portable or modular classrooms.

Ten-Year Facilities Plan

The Ten-Year Facilities Plan provides a broad overview of the Division’s facilities. The plan includes information about growth and development, demographic shifts, enrolment trends, building conditions, building locations in relation to students, and needs to add to, reduce or modernize existing school buildings.

Ten-Year Facilities Plan 2025-2034

Three-Year Capital Plan

The Three-Year Capital Plan is prepared annually. It identifies and prioritizes Division-wide needs for new school construction, modernizations and replacement schools. The plan must be presented and approved by the Board of Trustees and submitted to Alberta Education each spring.

Three-Year Capital Plan 2025-2028