EPSB.ca » Schools » Register for School » Lottery Process

Lottery Process


To address growing student enrolment and a shortage of school space, Edmonton Public Schools has implemented a lottery process for the following schools at Level 3 of the Growth Control Model:

The lottery process only impacts new resident students from the attendance area at these schools.

Students who are currently enrolled in one of these schools can still attend. Each grade will have a limited number of spaces in planned classes. This will ensure enrolment does not exceed the available space at these schools.

Learn about how the Growth Control Model works, and how to register at a Level 3 school in the Growth Control Model video.


In most cases, Level 3 schools will not accept new registrations if the student is not a resident student from the school’s designated attendance area. Resident students outside of the attendance area may be accepted if a sibling is currently attending the school, and there is space in planned classes.

New non-resident students who live in the school’s attendance area are able to attend another Edmonton Public School with space in planned classes or can attend a school in their current school division.


In this section:

Registration options

During registration and pre-enrolment, resident students who live in the designated attendance area for a Level 3 school with a lottery process have two options:

  • register (students new to Edmonton Public Schools) or pre-enrol (students currently enrolled at another Edmonton Public school) at their designated school if they wish to be part of the lottery process

  • choose to register at another Edmonton Public school at Level 1 on the Growth Control Model with space


When a sibling of a student currently attending the school and returning to the school the following year has registered or pre-enrolled by 4 p.m. on March 19, the following applies for siblings who are new to the school:

  • siblings who are resident students and live in the attendance area are given priority, but are not guaranteed to attend if there is not enough space at their grade level
  • resident siblings who live outside the attendance area can only attend if there is space in planned classes after resident students living in the attendance area are enrolled


Each Level 3 school has an overflow designated school. Resident students who do not get into their designated school through the lottery are guaranteed to attend their overflow designated school, or they can choose to enrol at another Division school with space or remain at their current school, if applicable.

Siblings may also enrol at the overflow designated school.

David Thomas King School  Youngstown School (K-6) 
Michael Phair School (7-9)
Dr. Lila Fahlman School Johnny Bright School (K-9)
Dr. Margaret-Ann Armour School McKee School (K-6)
Vernon Barford School (7-9)
Jan Reimer School Satoo School (K-6)
kisêwâtisiwin School (7-9)
Lillian Osborne School Strathcona School (10-12)
Shauna May Seneca School Grace Martin School (K-6)
Edith Rogers School (7-9)
Svend Hansen School

Laurel East
Weinlos School (K-6)
Kate Chegwin School (7-9)

Laurel West
Daly Grove (K-6)
T.D. Baker (7-9)


Resident students who register or pre-enrol in an alternative program or other Division school, but who are not accepted, are usually able to attend their designated school. However, this may not be true in the case of a Level 3 school if the grade has gone to a lottery.

If the Level 3 designated school is full in your child’s grade following a lottery process, your child is able to attend their overflow designated school or another school with space in planned classes.


  • If the number of new resident attendance area students is higher than the limit set for a specific grade, the lottery process will be used. This only applies to new resident students.
  • Division administration will conduct the lottery on behalf of the Level 3 schools.
  • Level 3 schools will notify families about the lottery results by April 11.  
  • Resident students who did not get into their Level 3 designated school through the lottery can attend their overflow designated school, another Division school with space, or remain at their current school. Siblings may also enrol at the overflow designated school. 
  • Resident students who did not get into their Level 3 designated school through the lottery can ask to be put on a callback list.
  • Resident students who register or move into the Level 3 school’s attendance area after pre-enrolment closes on March 19, 2025, will be added to the bottom of the callback list if requested. They can attend their overflow designated school, another Division school with space in planned classes, or choose to remain at their current school.
  • If spaces in planned classes at the Level 3 school open up, they will be offered to students on the callback list.

For full details about the lottery process, view the HC.AR Student Admission and Enrolment Regulation.


Yellow bus service will be available for eligible K–6 students attending their overflow designated school. Bus fees will apply.

Edmonton Transit Service (ETS) is the preferred transportation method for junior high and high school students; however, if ETS does not meet Division standards, eligible students attending their overflow designated school may be able to apply for yellow bus service. Bus fees will apply.

Families who choose to attend a school of choice rather than an overflow designated school will need to make their own transportation arrangements to get their child to and from school.