EPSB.ca » Our Division » Topics of Interest » Literacy
Literacy is at the foundation of successful learning and living. It's an active, life-long process. It begins almost from birth, when our parents first start reading to us and develops over our whole lives.
Literacy is more than basic reading and writing skills. Literacy education at Edmonton Public Schools is about helping kids find ways to make sense of the world by acquiring, understanding and communicating information in a variety of ways. By giving them opportunities to develop critical thinking skills, literacy allows people to reach their full potential, have a better quality of life and contribute to their communities.
In addition to regular, ongoing work in the classroom—which has a strong focus on literacy and numeracy—our Division offers a range of literacy interventions for all students who need extra support developing these skills. These interventions involve more time with a teacher in a one-on-one or small group session.
If you’d like to know more about the supports provided to your child, talk to your child’s teacher.