EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » G - Curriculum and Instruction » GGAF.AR French Language Programs

French Language Programs

  • Code: GGAF.AR
    Topic: French Language Programs
    Issue Date: 29/01/2020
    Effective Date: 29/01/2020
    Review Year: 2024


    The Edmonton Public School Division shall offer three types of French language programs:

    Early French Immersion
    The early French immersion program begins in Kindergarten or Grade 1 and continues to Grade 12. In this program, French is the language of instruction for required subjects such as French language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, health and selected complementary courses. French immersion may only be offered at designated sites.

    Late French Immersion
    The late French immersion program begins in Grade 7 and continues to Grade 12. In this program, French is the language of instruction for required subjects such as French language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, physical education, health and selected complementary courses.

    French as a Second Language
    The French as a second language (FSL) program begins primarily in Grade 4 and continues to Grade 12. In some schools, FSL is offered beginning in Grade 1 and Grade 10. In this program, French is taught as a subject to develop communication skills in French and an understanding and appreciation of the cultures of French-speaking peoples.


    The intention of the Division language policy is to provide opportunity for all students to learn a second language. However, the Division also recognizes that there may be instances when the educational best interests of a student could warrant an exemption from the second language requirement.  

    1. The principal in consultation with parents/guardians may exempt a student from second language programming, if the student:
      1. has moderate or severe special needs;
      2. is an English Language learner; or
      3. requires an intervention plan or additional supports and services.

    Early French Immersion: To successfully complete the learner outcomes of the early French immersion program, students should have access to:
      • 100 per cent of instructional time in French prior to January of the Grade 2 year. Subsequently at least 75 per cent of the instructional time in French at the elementary school level.
      • at least 60 per cent of the instructional time in French at the junior high level; and
      • at least 37.5 per cent of the instructional time in French at the senior high school level. 

    In the early immersion program, students should receive at least 7,000 hours of instruction in French from Grades 1 to 12.

    Late French Immersion: To successfully complete the learner outcomes of the late French immersion program, students should have access to:

      • at least 70 per cent of the instructional time in French at the junior high school level; and
      • at least 37.5 per cent of the instructional time in French at the senior high school level. 

    In the late French immersion program, students should receive at least 3,000 hours of instruction in Grades 7 to 12 in French.

    French as a Second Language: To enable students enrolled in FSL to successfully complete the learner outcomes required in the curriculum, students from Grades 4 through 9 will receive 95 hours of instruction per year (140-160 min per week). It is recommended that instruction take place at least three times per week.

    At senior high it is recommended FSL be programmed as a 10 month course.

    The Division's French language programs shall implement the programs of study that are prescribed by Alberta Education or approved by the Division under the authority of the School Act.

    The French immersion and FSL programs shall, in addition, be implemented in accordance with Guidelines and Implementation Procedures for French Language Instruction.

    French immersion students and FSL students must not be combined in the same classroom for French instruction.

    FSL instruction for K-3 must follow the Division's Program Articulation document, which enables the provincial nine year entry levels to be provided in division one.

    In French immersion programs, teachers shall use French as the language of instruction and the language of communication in the classroom.

    Schools with French immersion programs shall offer all instruction in French in Kindergarten, Grade 1 and part of Grade 2. Schools will introduce English language arts in Grade 2 after winter recess.

    In FSL classrooms French will be the language of instruction.

    The Division's senior high school immersion program shall offer at least 15 credits in French in each of Grades 10, 11 and 12.

    1. If a student can demonstrate a Grade 6 level of proficiency in French (as per the Alberta French as a Second Language nine-year Program of Studies), yet has not been enrolled in elementary FSL courses, then at the discretion of the principal, in consultation with a French teacher, that student may be enrolled in FSL 7-nine year.

    2. Students who have studied Spanish 4/5/6 (or other romance language) shall be permitted to enroll in French 7-nine year. The student will be encouraged to enroll in a summer FSL French camp arranged by the Institute for Innovation in Second Languages to prepare for Grade 7 French.

    3. The Division encourages students who study a language other than French (or other romance language) in elementary school, to continue in that language in junior high. However they may choose to enroll in a six year program in another language. If they chose to attend a school which only offers French, they should enroll in an on-line FSL course through Argyll Centre, which will provide the start of a three year FSL program, enabling the student to enroll in French 20 (3-Y) upon entry to Grade 10, with retroactive credit for French 10-3Y.
    Division immersion students will write annually in the fall, a French version of the "Highest Level of Achievement Test" (HLAT) at the Grades 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 levels. (Grade 7 students in later French immersion are not required to write the HLAT.)

    French immersion students will not write the English version of the HLAT at the Grade 1 level.

    The Division shall provide common assessment tools for assessing French language proficiency of students in FSL at the Grades 6, 9 and 12.

    Students with special needs in the French immersion program shall have access to special needs programming.

    The Division shall award a certificate at the end of Grade 12 to all students who successfully complete the requirements of the French immersion program.

    The Division shall provide access for students in Grade 12 French courses or programs to sit for internationally recognized French language exams, including the DELF and TCF, providing them with certification at their proficiency level.

    The Division will administer the course challenge provision in accordance with the procedures outlined in the Alberta Education Guide to Education: ECS to Grade 12. Students who wish to challenge a course must demonstrate evidence of readiness for the challenge, e.g., samples of student work, recommendation from a teacher. The process shall be in accordance with the Division's French Language Challenge procedure.

    Transportation shall be provided in accordance with Board Policy. See Board Policy DEA.BP - Student Transportation and Administrative Regulation DEA.AR - Transportation Services.

    All teachers new to an FSL or French immersion assignment shall take the Division's Language Proficiency Assessment. All teachers of French with a French teaching assignment who have not taken the Language Proficiency Assessment are encouraged to do so.


GA.BP Student Programs of Study
GKA.AR Senior High School Course Challenge
HB.AR Student Placement
Alberta Education - Guide to Education
Education Act
GGAF.AR Guidelines and Implementation Procedure