EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » C - Division Administration » CN.BP Managing Division Information

Managing Division Information

  • Code: CN.BP
    Topic: Managing Division Information
    Issue Date: 29/01/2020
    Effective Date: 28/01/2020
    Review Year: 2013


All records created in the service of Edmonton Public Schools, regardless of form or creator, are the property of Edmonton Public Schools. Records are an asset and support the Division's work in providing a quality education to each student to reach their maximum potential.

  1. The Board believes that:
    1. Division records are a vital Division resource that must be managed effectively and efficiently;
    2. staff should have access to the information necessary for them to carry out their work;
    3. the Division is responsible for documenting the activities and results for which the Division is accountable;
    4. parents, staff, students and the public have the right of access to records held by the Division except where Division or legislated requirements prevent.

  2.  The Board expects that Division records management practices and processes shall ensure:
    1. open and accountable reporting to the public;
    2. Division records are maintained in a legally defensible manner;
    3. accountability for managing and maintaining information is clear and well-defined;
    4. information is managed through its entire life cycle from collection, record creation or receipt to final disposition through archival preservation or destruction;
    5. the privacy of individuals is protected at all times during collection, use and disclosure of information;
    6. the security, integrity and accuracy of information used and reported.

  3. Division Archives 
    1. The Board encourages the collection and preservation of records and objects which form the permanent record of the Division's philosophy, policy, people, and performance. 

    2. Edmonton Public Schools Archives and Museum shall be the official repository and custodian of such materials. 

    3. The Board believes that records and objects assist in the interpretation of history, and that these materials should be accessible to Division staff, students, parents, and the general public, subject to any restrictions imposed by law or Division policy and regulations.


CN.AR Creation, Use and Maintenance of Division Information
CO.BP Fiscal Oversight and Accountability
DDC.AR Publication and Authorization for Division Owned Materials
HO.AR Student Records
IQ.AR Conducting Research Within the District
Education Act - Sections 55