EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » G - Curriculum and Instruction » GED.AR Publicizing Programs

Publicizing Programs

  • Code: GED.AR
    Topic: Publicizing Programs
    Issue Date: 07/11/2022
    Effective Date: 02/02/2005
    Review Year: 2029


  1. The principal shall ensure that the students and the parents of students enrolled in the school have access to the information they require about the programs and services available in the Division.

  2. Junior and senior high schools shall conduct orientation sessions and distribute their school registration information to elementary and junior high schools within their designated attendance areas. Distribution of school registration information to parents and students residing outside the school's designated attendance area shall be limited to those parents and students requesting the information.

  3. Schools with Board approved alternative programs may advertise and distribute materials throughout the Division that describe these programs and the availability of transportation to them.

  4. Schools shall establish orientation timelines to allow all students to be informed and pre-registered within established Division timelines.


HB.AR Student Placement