EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » H - Students » HGD.AR Student Suspension and Expulsion

Student Suspension and Expulsion

  • Code: HGD.AR
    Topic: Student Suspension and Expulsion
    Issue Date: 20/09/2006
    Effective Date: 20/09/2006
    Review Year: 2011


    1. A teacher may exclude a student for the duration of a class period.

    2. A principal may suspend a student from one or more class periods, courses, or school programs, from school, or from riding in a school bus.

    3. If a principal believes that the continued presence of a student will be detrimental to the operation of the school, the principal shall initiate a recommendation for expulsion.
    1. When a student is suspended, the Principal shall:
      1. provide the student an opportunity to offer, whenever possible prior to the suspension, an explanation in defense or mitigation;
      2. inform the student of the reasons for the suspension;
      3. immediately inform the student's parent(s) by telephone if possible, followed by a letter signed by the principal or designate which shall contain all the circumstances including the grounds and the duration of the suspension;
      4. provide an opportunity for the student's parent(s) to have a conference with the principal as soon as can be arranged after notification of the suspension.
    2. If a student is not to be reinstated within five school days from the date of suspension, the procedure for expulsion shall apply.
    1. If a student is not to be reinstated within five school days from the date of suspension, the Principal shall immediately:
      1. inform the parent(s) and the student, in writing, of the recommendation for expulsion and that the suspension shall remain in effect until the expulsion recommendation is heard; and
      2. report in writing to the Superintendent of Schools all information related to the recommendation for expulsion including both the extent and duration of the expulsion and, if required, a recommendation for any alternative placement.
    2. The Superintendent of Schools shall inform the student and the student's parent(s), in writing:
      1. when and where the recommendation for expulsion will be considered; and
      2. that they have a right to be in attendance, to be heard, to provide written information, and to be represented by counsel or an advocate at that time.
    1. Principals may exclude students from participation or membership in a student organization, team, or club in accordance with Administrative Regulation GGDA.AR - Guidelines for Student Activities and Organizations. Such exclusion need not be made in accordance with the regulations governing student suspension and expulsion.

    2. If a student participating in a school-sponsored activity (such as a field trip or athletic event) is deemed to have behaved in a manner that interferes with or detracts from the well-being of the school or otherwise provides grounds for suspension or expulsion, the principal shall take formal disciplinary action in accordance with the regulations governing suspensions and expulsions.


GGDA.AR Guidelines for Student Activities and Organizations
HGD.BP Student Suspension and Expulsion
Education Act - Sections 55

(please see Sections 12 and 24 of the School Act)