EPSB.ca » Our Division » Budget and Financial Statements » Expense Reports » 2023-24
Ward A | Sherri O'Keefe | |
Ward B | Marsha Nelson | |
Ward C | Marcia Hole | |
Ward D | Trisha Estabrooks | |
Ward E | Dawn Hancock | |
Ward F | Julie Kusiek | |
Ward G | Saadiq Sumar | |
Ward H | Jan Sawyer, the trustee for Ward I is responsible for Ward H until the next municipal general election on October 25, 2025 |
See Ward I |
Ward I | Jan Sawyer |
Superintendent of Schools | Darrel Robertson | |
Assistant Superintendent, Schools and Learning Services |
Ron Thompson | |
Assistant Superintendent, Schools and Learning Services |
Andrea Cooper | |
Assistant Superintendent, Operational and Learning Supports |
Kathy Muhlethaler | |
Assistant Superintendent, Schools and Learning Services |
Kent Pharis | |
Assistant Superintendent, Schools and Learning Services |
Liz Yule | |
Legal Counsel | Grace Cooke |
Managing Director, Communications | Carrie Rosa | |
Managing Director, Financial Services | Madonna Proulx | |
Managing Director, Human Resources | Trish Kolotyluk | |
Managing Director, Infrastructure | Christopher Wright | |
Managing Director, Instructional Supports | Ann Parker | |
Managing Director, Strategic Division Supports | Nancy Petersen | |
Managing Director, Technology and Information Management | Terry Korte |
Chief Communications Officer | Lisa Austin | |
Chief Financial Officer | Todd Burnstad | |
Chief Human Resources Officer | Angela Anderson | |
Chief Infrastructure and Technology Officer | Cliff Richard |