EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » D - Support Services » DKB.AR Appropriate Use of Division Technology

Appropriate Use of Division Technology

  • Code: DKB.AR
    Topic: Appropriate Use of Division Technology
    Issue Date: 22/01/2025
    Effective Date: 19/05/2000
    Review Year: 2032


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to technology that enables computers to perform various functions that would be typically associated with requiring human intelligence. AI involves the development and use of algorithms and systems to learn from various data sets that can perform tasks such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, natural language processing and prediction and more. AI includes generative artificial intelligence, a machine learning system that can create new content such as text, images, music, audio and videos, in response to a prompt or series of prompts.

Division Technology includes those technologies licensed or owned by the Division, including but not limited to: hardware, applications (which may include artificial intelligence), networking and communications equipment.

Technology refers to any hardware, applications (which may include artificial intelligence), networking and communications equipment used in the Division, including those that are personally owned. 



  1. Students will be given access to Division technology for educational purposes that include:
    • Achieving the learner outcomes of the Alberta Program of Studies.
    • Participating in learning activities selected by the teacher.
    • Participating in alternate Division programs such as virtual schooling and outreach programs.
  2. Staff will be given access to Division technology for educational and operational purposes that include:
    • Communication.
    • Information acquisition.
    • Information management, such as student, staff, school/decision unit and financial information.
    • Professional development and training.
    • Providing technology support to other users of Division technology.
  3. Community volunteers and school council representatives may be given access to Division technology for educational purposes that include:
    • Communication.
    • Information acquisition.
    • Assisting teachers in using Division technology with students.


Division technology must be used in ways that are consistent with the following principles.

  1. Appropriate use
    Division technology is intended for educational purposes and for business activities in the operation of schools and the Division. Personal use of technology must not interfere with, or conflict with, its use for work purposes. Division technology cannot be used for purposes that are in conflict with Division Board policies and administrative regulations or that are in contravention of any federal or provincial statute or regulation or municipal bylaw. All users will be responsible and accountable for their use of Division technology.

  2. Privacy and personal safety
    Activities involving Division technology will reflect direction set out in Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) legislation and processes that protect the privacy of personal information held by the Division and the personal safety of students. All users will be educated about ways that they can protect their own personal information and personal safety.

  3. Security of systems and information
    Individuals using Division technology will not compromise the security and integrity of data and information stored on Division technology.

  4. Efficiency
    Division technology must function efficiently for all users. Therefore, users will operate within the limitations, expectations and directives provided (e.g., Responsible Use of Technology Agreement for students, Technology Use Requirements for staff).


  1. Students and staff will adhere to use expectations established by the Division and each school or decision unit (e.g., Responsible Use of Technology Agreement for students, Technology Use
    Requirements for staff).

  2. Schools will inform students and their parents or guardians of the Responsible and Ethical Use of Technology section of their Student Rights and Responsibilities document which outlines school and Division expectations.


  1. Students who use Division technology inappropriately will be subject to some or all of the consequences listed in Administrative Regulation HG.AR Student Behaviour and Conduct.

  2. Staff who use Division technology inappropriately will be subject to some or all of the consequences listed in Administrative Regulations FBCA.AR Respectful Working Environments and FBCB.AR Division Staff Code of Conduct.

  3. Other users who use Division technology inappropriately will lose the privilege of using Division


DK.BP Division Technology
DK.AR Division Technology
FBCA.AR Respectful Working Environments
FBCB.AR Division Staff Code of Conduct
HG.BP Student Behaviour and Conduct
HG.AR Student Behaviour and Conduct
HHFA.AR Supervision of Students
Criminal Code of Canada
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Division Technology Standards (Available for internal use on Connect)
Responsible Use of Technology Agreement (Available for internal use on Connect)
Technology Use Requirements (Available for internal use on Connect)