Fri, 8 Apr, 2016
One Week Left to Register for French Immersion at Oliver School
Families considering French Immersion at Oliver School for the 2016-2017 school year need to register soon for the program to go ahead this fall.
Tue, 29 Mar, 2016
Trustees to ask for help with costs of educating Syrian newcomers
The Board of Trustees will ask the federal government to contribute to the cost of educating Syrian newcomer students, who have arrived in Edmonton over the last few months.
Wed, 2 Mar, 2016
Public input about future use of mature schools
We're hosting public consultation meetings to talk about re-envisioning the use of space in mature schools in some of the city’s older neighbourhoods.
Mon, 29 Feb, 2016
French Immersion at Oliver School
Families have an opportunity to register for a possible new French Immersion program at Oliver School.
Thu, 25 Feb, 2016
Early Years Program 2016-2017
For the 2016-2017 school year, there are two ways for children to be placed in Early Years.
Wed, 17 Feb, 2016
Information meeting for new schools
Learn more about the new schools opening in September 2016
Tue, 9 Feb, 2016
Meetings about future high school space
Parents, students and community members are invited to attend one of four information sessions to learn about future high school space.
Thu, 14 Jan, 2016
Attendance Area Changes at Michael Strembitsky School
The Superintendent has made decisions regarding the attendance area changes for Michael Strembitsky School to help reduce enrolment for the 2016-17 school year.
Mon, 30 Nov, 2015
Highlights of Achievements from 2014-2015
Edmonton Public Schools shared the highlights of its achievements from the 2014-2015 school year during the November 24, 2015 board meeting.
Tue, 20 Oct, 2015
See the attendance area options for three of our new schools.
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