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Growth Control Model

Edmonton Public Schools' Growth Control Model helps manage enrolment at schools.

Schools will move through the different levels of the model as their enrolment changes. The model will help ensure schools don’t get too full and allow as many students as possible to attend a school close to home.


Some Division schools and programs don’t have enough space for all the students who wish to attend. When that happens, schools give priority to resident students of Edmonton Public Schools. 

In most cases, a resident student has at least one parent or legal guardian living in Edmonton who is not Roman Catholic.


The model has three levels to address enrolment. As enrolment changes, schools can move up or down levels. 

Growth Control Model pyramid


Schools at Level 1 have open boundaries. At this level:

  • resident students from the designated attendance area are guaranteed access during pre-enrolment
  • siblings of current students who are returning to the school the following year are guaranteed access during pre-enrolment
  • the school can accept resident students from outside the attendance area if there’s space
  • the school may go to random selection if the number of applicants exceeds available space
  • non-resident students may select a school during pre-enrolment and can be accepted if there is space remaining after all resident students are enrolled
  • the school may:
    • reclaim leased spaces
    • add portables or make modifications to existing spaces to create room, if possible


Schools at Level 2 are nearing capacity. At this level, schools:

  • that have open boundaries will follow the Level-1 process for enrolment priorities
  • may close the attendance area boundary—only resident students in the designated attendance area and siblings can enrol, as long as both students are returning to the school next year
  • do not accept resident students from outside the attendance area if the school has closed boundaries
  • may reclaim leased spaces
  • add portables or make modifications to existing spaces to create room, if possible


Schools at Level 3 have reached capacity. At this level, schools will:

  • only accept new resident students from the designated attendance area; however, these students are not necessarily guaranteed to attend
  • implement a lottery process for new resident students from the designated attendance area who wish to enrol in grades that are full at the school
  • give priority to siblings who are resident students and live in the attendance area, but they are not guaranteed to attend if there is not enough space in their grade


To learn more about we manage enrolment and how the model works, watch the Growth Control Model video