EPSB.ca » Schools » Going to School » Letters, Records and Course History

Letters, Records and Course History

Student records include information about the schools a student has attended, as well as their attendance history and marks.

I need records for a:

Records for current students

Please wait until the support staff strike is resolved to submit records requests to schools. Any requests received during the support staff strike will be delayed for an unknown length of time.

Current Edmonton Public Schools students and their parents or guardians can get records from their school. Please contact your school directly.

Important information for students 18 or older.

School requests

Edmonton Public Schools staff who are helping parents get a Canada Revenue Agency letter should follow the process on the Providing Student Records page in Connect.

Former students

Former Edmonton Public Schools students or their parents/guardians can request the following documents online. Most requests are processed in one week. Due to the support staff strike, response to the requests may be significantly delayed.

  • Letter confirming address or school attendance for Canada Revenue Agency
  • Specialized assessment records for:
    • Alberta Health Services (AHS)
    • Assured Income for the Severely Handicapped (AISH)
    • court
  • Proof of education in English
  • Documents for a Canadian immigration application
  • Detailed attendance records
  • Course or mark history (not a high school transcript)
  • Copies of:
    • the complete student record (includes course/mark history)
    • Individual Program Plan (IPP) reports
  • Grade 9 or 10 results for application to post-secondary

Read about high school transcripts.

Important information for former students who are 18 or older.

Start a document request

High school transcripts

A high school transcript is the official record that shows you have completed the requirements for a high school diploma. This is not the same as your course and mark history.

You must order high school transcripts through Alberta Education.

Important information for students 18 and older

Current and former students who are 18 or older must request their own letters or records. You may only request records for someone older than 18 if:

  • they have given you a signed release, or
  • you are their legally appointed guardian

If you are requesting records for someone older than 18, you will be asked to provide proof of written consent or legal guardianship as part of the application process. Please have these documents ready.

Moving to Canada

If your family is planning to move to Canada or your child is coming to study as an international student, you will need a Letter of Acceptance for your immigration or study permit application. Please call Division Support Services at 780-429-8030 for assistance.

Potential employees

Edmonton Public Schools does not provide educational background information for employment checks. You can request this from Alberta Education.

Records for court cases


You can request a copy of the student record if you have signed consent. A fee may apply.

Start a document request

Social workers

You can request documents by emailing central.records@epsb.ca.

Requests from other school divisions

If your school is in Alberta, the student record will be available on PASI (Provincial Approach to Student Information).

If your school is in another province or country, you can request student records through Alberta Student Link. You need an Alberta Education account to access the Alberta Student Link website, but you don’t need to be in Alberta to create one.