EPSB.ca » Schools » McNally

McNally School

Principal: Krista Mulder
Address: 8440 105 Avenue NW
Edmonton, Alberta T6A 1B6
Phone: 780-469-0442
Fax: 780-465-5958
Email: mcnally@epsb.ca
Web: https://mcnally.epsb.ca/


Ward – Trustee

D – Julie Kusiek

Total Enrolment 2024–25View more information


Growth Control Model
Level 1
Level 1
Program Enrolment 2024–25View more information

These numbers represent enrolment on September 30 as submitted to Alberta Education.

Program enrolment may not equal a school's total enrolment because:

  • students may be enrolled in more than one program, and
  • some programs are not shown.

Enrolment data gives parents a general understanding of the number of students at a school or enrolled in a program. Although we’ve made every reasonable effort to ensure the data is accurate, there may still be errors. To confirm enrolment, contact the school.

About McNally School

McNally provides an inspiring and dynamic academic environment with a long history of excellence in languages, athletics, community involvement, career and technology studies and fine arts. We use a variety of resources and technologies to develop foundational knowledge, skills, attitudes and international-mindedness.

We offer the full range of core subjects, the International Baccalaureate Diploma and Certificate, and the Registered Apprenticeship Program. Students can also choose courses in:

  • construction
  • computer science
  • multimedia
  • food studies
  • physical education
  • sports performance
  • medical studies
  • art
  • dance
  • drama
  • musical theatre
  • band
  • work experience

We also offer second language instruction in French and Spanish. 

McNally Tiger Pride is alive throughout the hallways of our school—we recognize and celebrate our academic achievements, champion sports teams and community service work, as well as other student accomplishments.

Our Career Pathways and Student Leadership focus prepare students for post-secondary, responsible citizenship and the world of work. Our Student Support Services provide college and career planning as well as personal guidance. McNally typically offers opportunities outside of the regular school calendar, such as summer school.


We believe:

  • In providing high-quality programming in an inclusive and positive learning environment
  • In ensuring that every student experiences success as a learner
  • That an atmosphere of respect and trust supported by a partnership of students, staff, parents and community leads to enhanced academic learning and engaged citizenry
  • In supporting opportunities for youth engagement, governance and leadership

Attendance Area Maps

Attendance Area

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Schools that show attendance areas

Select the checkbox to show an attendance area.

If a student lives within the attendance area they are eligible to attend.

If a student does not live in the attendance area they may still be eligible to attend unless the school has closed boundaries. Contact the school for more information.

Schools that do not show attendance areas

If there is no attendance area to select, students may be eligible to attend as long as:

  • the school provides the right type of programming to meet their needs
  • the school has room
  • the student meets any entrance requirements of that school.

Contact the school to confirm whether a student is eligible to attend.

Select the checkbox to show an attendance area.

To be eligible for bus service a student must:

  • attend the selected program, and
  • live within the transportation service area.

Contact the school to confirm whether a student is eligible for bus service.

Disclaimer: This tool provides information to support you in making decisions about schools and programs. Although we’ve made every reasonable effort to ensure the maps and data are accurate, there may still be errors. To confirm attendance areas, program locations or bus service contact the school.

Contact us to report a problem with this tool.