EPSB.ca » Schools » New Schools and Modernizations


We believe that, wherever they live, students deserve a great education, great teachers and high-quality places to learn.

The Board of Trustees approves and submits our Three-Year Capital Plan to the provincial government each year to ask for funding for new schools and major modernizations. Edmonton Public Schools decides and prioritizes which projects go into the plan, and the government decides which ones get funded and when funding will be received.

Our Board of Trustees continues to ask the government for much-needed funding for new schools in growing areas of our city, as well as funding to modernize older schools to make sure all students are in high-quality learning environments.


Edmonton Public Schools currently has one new school under construction, and funding for a number of upcoming projects.


In March 2023, the Government of Alberta announced funding for a new Grades K–9 school in west Edmonton. (Read the 2023 government news release.)

The new school, located in the Edgemont neighbourhood, will open in September 2027.


In March 2024, the Government of Alberta announced funding for six new schools across the Division. 

These projects are funded at various levels under the government’s Investing in School Projects process, which is designed to reduce costs and minimize schedule disruptions and delays.


This level of funding covers planning, design and construction. One school received full construction funding in 2024:

  • Glenridding Heights (southwest Edmonton)—Grades 7–12, tentatively scheduled to open in September 2028.


This level of funding includes planning, design and preparing construction tender documents. Additional funding will be needed to construct schools funded at this level. Three schools received design funding in 2024:

  • Glenridding Heights (southwest Edmonton)—Grades K–6
  • Rosenthal (west Edmonton)—Grades K–6
  • McConachie (northeast Edmonton)—Grades 7–9


This level of funding allows the Division to prepare a detailed site analysis and define the scope of the project. Further funding will be needed to design and construct these schools. Two schools received planning funding in 2024:

  • Delton School Replacement (in central Edmonton)—Grades K–6
  • Spruce Avenue School Replacement (in central Edmonton)—Grades 7–9


There are currently no approved modernization projects for Edmonton Public Schools.