EPSB.ca » Schools » Register for School » Random Selection and Enrolment Limits

Random Selection and Enrolment Limits


Some schools don’t have enough space for all the students who want to attend. 

At schools with enrolment limits:

  • the number of students that can be accommodated is limited
  • limitations may apply to the school, certain classes or particular programs
  • as many students as possible will be accepted up to the enrolment limit


If the number of students who want to attend a school or program exceeds the available space, new applicants are chosen by random selection.

The random selection process is conducted by Division administration to ensure that all eligible students are provided equal opportunity to attend the school or program. Random selections will be completed and parents notified no later than April 11, 2025.

If a school goes to random selection, remaining spaces are filled in the following order, outlined in the HC.AR Student Admission and Enrolment Regulation:

  1. resident students who live in the secondary attendance area, where applicable
  2. resident students who live outside the attendance area
  3. non-resident students subject to any other requirements as outlined in the HC.AR Student Admission and Enrolment Regulation


If you pre-enrol your child at a school and your child is accepted through random selection, your child will not be eligible to return to their designated school for the upcoming school year if the designated school has reached its enrolment limit.


If your child is not accepted through random selection, they can attend their current school (if the appropriate grade is available), their designated school or any other Division school with available space. Your child’s current school will work with you to discuss your options, print a Next Year Selection form indicating your second choice and ask you to sign the form.


After families have been notified of the results, schools that participated in random selection:

  • are considered full (even if students withdraw at a later date)
  • do not maintain a waiting list