EPSB.ca » Translation on epsb.ca
We’re working to make epsb.ca more accessible so all families can get the information they need in the form that is most useful to them. To help meet this goal, we have added a translation option for families who speak English as an additional language.
Our site content is created in English. If there are differences between the English content and its translation, the English content is the most accurate.
The Edmonton Public Schools website includes both machine-translated and, in some cases, professionally translated content.
Most translations on epsb.ca are powered by Google Translate. These translations are automated and may not be as exact as human-translated content would be.
Google Translate is a free online tool that uses machine learning to provide translated versions of web pages.
There are limits on what content can be translated with this tool. For example, PDF documents and text in images will not be translated.
Most video content on our site is provided through YouTube; these videos include English captions for greater accessibility. YouTube also provides automated translation options. These translations may not be accurate and may include incorrect or offensive language.
Translated content is provided as a service to our users. Machine-translated content may not be accurate or correct, and Edmonton Public Schools will not be held responsible for any damage or issues that may result from using Google Translate or YouTube translations.
Some documents and videos on epsb.ca have been professionally translated. This is content where clarity and access is particularly important.