EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board of Trustees » About the Board » Speaking at a Board Meeting

Speaking at a Board Meeting

There are several ways you can speak at a Board Meeting:

Speaking about a specific item on the agenda

If you would like to speak to the Board about a specific item on the meeting agenda, you must register with the Board office by noon the business day before the meeting (i.e., noon on Monday for a Tuesday Board meeting). If the Monday before the Tuesday Board meeting is a statutory holiday, you must register by noon the Friday before.

Call 780-429-8443 to register.

Speaking about educational issues

The public and staff group representatives are welcome to speak about educational issues at the second board meeting of the month at 5:00 p.m.

If you would like to speak to the Board about an educational issue, you must register with the Board office after the meeting agenda has been posted (typically the Thursday afternoon before the meeting) and by noon the business day before the meeting (i.e., noon on Monday for a Tuesday Board meeting). If the Monday before the Tuesday Board meeting is a statutory holiday, you must register by noon the Friday before.

Call 780-429-8443 to register.

Formal delegations, presentations and petitions to Board

Call 780-429-8443 to ask about making a formal presentation or petition to the Board.

Guidelines for speakers

  • Speakers must attend the Board meeting in person. If the meeting is held online, individuals must declare when registering to speak that they are a resident of Edmonton and/or current student, parent of student or staff member of Edmonton Public Schools.
  • Comments must be kept to a maximum of three minutes and be addressed to the Board Chair.
  • The Board Chair has full authority to maintain decorum and order of the meeting, including interrupting any speaker who makes critical statements about particular individuals or groups of people, whether named or identifiable by the context, ruling the speaker out of order and terminating the speaker's privilege to address the Board of Trustees.
  • Any individual or group may speak on an issue to a maximum of four times per school year.


Board meetings are audio recorded as well as webcast live. Audio recordings of Board meetings will be retained for five years. Media may also attend these meetings and you may appear in media coverage.

Board meeting schedule

Board meetings are held at 2:00 p.m. the first and third Tuesday of each month (unless otherwise posted). Unless otherwise noted, these public meetings are held in:

McCauley Chambers
2nd floor at the Centre for Education
One Kingsway

VIEW: Schedule of upcoming public board meetings.