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Ward E: Dawn Hancock

Dawn Hancock

Dawn Hancock

Ward: E Term: 2021-2025

Dawn (she/her) has a diverse background in finance and has managed her own business for more than a decade. She has also been actively involved in volunteer work as a program director for a food and literacy program in Edmonton. She is the proud parent of two children who have graduated from Edmonton Public Schools. 

As a supporter of early education, Dawn believes a strong start gives children a foundation to have a positive educational experience. In her role as Trustee, Dawn plans to connect with parent councils about how best to support our students. She would also like to engage Edmontonians and community leagues to strengthen their involvement in the school community.

Dawn is honoured to serve the families and constituents in Ward E. She is eager to work with the Board to share ideas and perspectives, and to collaborate on solutions that will benefit students and families.

Schools in Ward E Boundaries
