EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » G - Curriculum and Instruction » GA.BP Student Programs of Study
To explicitly state and reinforce the provincial expectation that students in the Division will be taught the content that is prescribed in the programs of study. This ensures both compliance with the Education Act and that Division students will be held to the same high standards as all Alberta students.
Programs of study are established by Alberta Education and identify the student learning outcomes for all students in all courses and programs.
An Engaged Thinker knows how to think critically and creatively and make discoveries through inquiry, reflection, exploration, experimentation and trial and error; is competent in the arts and sciences including languages; uses technology to learn, innovate, collaborate, communicate and discover; has developed a wide range of competencies in many areas, including gathering, analysis and evaluation of information; is familiar with multiple perspectives and disciplines and can identify problems and then find the best solutions; as a team member, integrates ideas from a variety of sources into a coherent whole and communicates these ideas to others; adapts to the many changes in society and the economy with an attitude of optimism and hope for the future; as a lifelong learner, believes there is no limit to what knowledge may be gleaned, what skills may be accumulated, and what may be achieved in cooperation with others; and always keeps growing and learning. Ministerial Order (#001/2013).
An Ethical Citizen understands that it is not all about them, has learned about and is appreciative of the effort and sacrifice that built this province and country and sees beyond self-interests to the needs of the community; is committed to democratic ideals; contributes fully to the world economically, culturally, socially and politically; as a steward of the earth, minimizes environmental impacts; builds relationships through fairness, humility and open mindedness, with teamwork, collaboration and communication; engages with many cultures, religions and languages, values diversity in all people and adapts to any situation; demonstrates respect, empathy and compassion for all people; cares for themselves physically, emotionally, intellectually, socially and spiritually; is able to ask for help, when needed, from others, and also for others; and assumes the responsibilities of life in a variety of roles. Ministerial Order (#001/2013).
An individual with an Entrepreneurial Spirit is motivated, resourceful, self-reliant and tenacious; continuously sets goals and works with perseverance and discipline to achieve them; through hard work, earns achievements and the respect of others; strives for excellence and personal, family and community success; is competitive and ready to challenge the status quo; explores ideas and technologies alone or as part of diverse teams; is resilient, adaptable, able and determined to transform discoveries into products or services that benefit the community and, by extension, the world; develops opportunities where others only see adversity; has the confidence to take risks and make bold decisions in the face of adversity, recognizing that to hold back is to be held back; and has the courage to dream. Ministerial Order (#001/2013).
In keeping with the our Vision and Mission, the Board of Trustees supports and is fully committed to the Alberta Ministry of Education’s desired student learning outcomes of an inclusive Kindergarten to Grade 12 education in Alberta to enable all students to achieve to their full potential.
As per Ministerial Order (#001/2013), and as detailed in the Guide to Education, the goal for an inclusive Kindergarten to Grade 12 education is to enable all students to achieve the following outcomes:
In alignment with the programs of study and further supported through the outcomes in the Guide to Education, the Board of Trustees expects that all students will have equitable access to student programs that contain the following characteristics:
The Superintendent of Schools shall inform the Board of Trustees as changes occur within the programs of study. The Superintendent of Schools shall report on the consistency of programming provided in schools with the course of study and education programs prescribed, approved or authorized pursuant to the Education Act.