EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » H - Students » HF.BP Safe, Caring and Respectful Learning Environments

Safe, Caring and Respectful Learning Environments

  • Code: HF.BP
    Topic: Safe, Caring and Respectful Learning Environments
    Issue Date: 29/01/2020
    Effective Date: 28/01/2020
    Review Year: 2017


Edmonton Public School Board is committed to creating welcoming learning environments which promote understanding and respect among all members of the school community.

The Board believes that a responsive, safe, caring and inclusive school environment is necessary for students to learn and achieve high academic standards. It believes that equity of opportunity, and equity of access to programs, services, and resources are critical to supporting all students in realizing their full potential. The Board expects these beliefs to be reflected in Division programs, operations and practices.

The Board recognizes that individual and systemic biases related to race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religious beliefs, gender, gender identity, physical or mental disability, marital status, family status, source of income, socio-economic status and sexual orientation exist in society. Therefore, the Board acknowledges that such biases may exist within our schools. The Board believes that such biases are intolerable. Biases result in behaviours that damage the physical, mental and emotional well-being of students and negatively impact their educational, social and career outcomes. Further, they damage relationships with peers, families and community partners. The Board believes staff play a central role in creating environments which acknowledge and promote understanding, respect and recognition of the diversity of students and families within the school community. As students learn by example, all members of the school community are expected to model respectful conduct, inclusive behaviour and an understanding and appreciation of diversity.

The Board is committed to acknowledging, addressing, and eradicating discrimination, harassment, intimidation or bullying. The Board believes schools have the responsibility to ensure that students and their families feel safe to share these issues and concerns. Within a safe and caring environment, students and their families have the right and responsibility to bring these concerns to the attention of the school staff. The Board expects that school and Division staff will be respectful of the concerns of students and their families and will work with them to provide appropriate supports and resolve their issues in a timely manner.


FA.BP Human Resources Framework
FBCA.AR Respectful Working Environments
GGAB.BP - Multicultural Education
GGAB.AR Multicultural Education
HAA.BP First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Education
HAA.AR Aboriginal Education
HG.AR Student Behaviour and Conduct
HG.BP Student Behaviour and Conduct
HGD.AR Student Suspension and Expulsion
HGD.BP Student Suspension and Expulsion
Alberta Human Rights Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child