EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » H - Students » HH.AR Lunch-time Supervision Service for Elementary and Junior High Students

Lunch-time Supervision Service for Elementary and Junior High Students

  • Code: HH.AR
    Topic: Lunch-time Supervision Service for Elementary and Junior High Students
    Issue Date: 13/05/2020
    Effective Date: 12/05/2020
    Review Year: 2023


  • To provide clarity and consistency in Division decision-making, communication and processes associated with the provision of appropriate and safe lunch-time supervision service; and
  • To acknowledge and account for the various factors that may affect the lunch-time supervision service model at a school and the associated cost of the service for families and the school instructional program.


Lunch-time supervision service refers to how each school structures the provision of supervision during the meal portion of the lunch-time recess break from instruction. Provision of the service is based on Division standards and school variables.

Conditional Rider refers to a student who is not entitled to transportation services, but is authorized access to yellow bus transportation as per Administrative Regulation DEA.AR Transportation Services.


  1. Schools offering programs to:
    1. Grades 1 to 6, and where applicable, full day Kindergarten, shall offer a lunch-time supervision service.
    2. Grades 7 to 9 may choose to offer a lunch-time supervision service depending on space, resources and the needs of the school community.
  2. The principal is responsible for:  
          a. ensuring that all students remaining at school during lunch-time are adequately supervised
          b. determining the appropriate lunch-time supervision model for the school, in consultation with parents and school staff; and 
          c. scheduling the lunch-time portion of the school day, including a dedicated time for students to eat.
  3. Human Resources shall:
    1. provide advice related to recruitment and assistance with the hiring process for lunch-time supervisors; and
    2. annually set the standard daily cost per adult supervisor to be used by schools in calculating the maximum yearly lunch-time supervision service fee per child that may be charged.
  4. Division Support Services shall be responsible for providing advice to principals and maintaining standard Division forms and protocols to support schools in implementing the Division’s approach to lunch-time supervision service outlined in this administrative regulation.


    1. The principal shall engage with the parent community and staff regarding the lunch-time supervision service model for the school.

    2. The principal shall consider the following variables when establishing the school’s lunch-time supervision service model:
      • the school schedule, including required minutes of instruction and start and end time of the school day;
      • school space available to accommodate where students eat lunch;
      • the needs of the student population;
      • implications of supplies and equipment provided for students during lunch-time, e.g. increased level of supervision required for the safety of children where microwaves are used;
      • ability to recruit and retain qualified lunch-time supervisors;
      • the most effective use of educational staff time and expertise throughout the learning day;
      • financial impact of a lunch-time supervision fee on a family budget; and
      • financial impact of using educational dollars to support the operation of the lunch-time supervision service on the school’s instructional budget.
    3. The principal shall schedule a minimum of 20 minutes dedicated as time for students to eat. This 20 minutes does not include transitions or recess break. 
    4. The principal shall use the standard Division forms and protocols designed to support implementation of the Division's approach to lunch-time supervision service.
    1. The principal, in consultation with parents and staff, has the authority to structure a lunch-time supervision service that is best suited for the school community and establish the yearly per child fee for parents accessing this service.

    2. The school’s lunch-time supervision service fee per user shall not exceed each individual user’s proportionate share of the cost of the service.

    3. The maximum fee that may be charged to an individual user shall be calculated using a Division fee formula based on the following costs and variables:
      1. anticipated total number of students who will access lunch-time supervision services on a regular basis;
      2. number of adult supervisors required to provide appropriate and safe lunch-time supervision service with consideration to the school’s lunch-time supervision model, e.g. space available, if microwaves are used, student population, etc.;
      3. the Division’s standard daily cost per adult lunch-time supervisor; and
      4. number of operational days lunch-time supervision service will be provided in the school year.
    4. The principal shall include information on the calculation of the yearly service fee in communications with parents regarding the:
      1. lunch-time supervision service; and
      2. annual school budget.
    5. Parents wishing to have their child participate in the lunch-time supervision service are required to register their child for the service.

    6. Parents are exempted from paying lunch-time supervision service fees if:
      1. they already pay a Division transportation fee for their child as a yellow bus rider to attend their designated attendance area school or special needs District Centre program; this does not apply to students accepted as conditional riders;
      2. their child remains within the programming supports and structure of a special needs District Centre program for the lunch portion of the school day; or
      3. their child is enrolled in a full day Kindergarten program.
    7. Parents who are experiencing circumstances that impact their ability to pay the full lunch-time supervision service fee may request a lunch-time supervision service alternate payment plan to reduce their fees.

    8. The principal shall ensure that all parents who have paid their fees are provided a receipt for lunch-time supervision service expenses.

    9. Principals choosing to pursue the non-payment of lunch fees with parents shall follow the Division non-payment protocol. The protocol reflects communication between adults and ensures that non-payment of fees will not result in children being treated differently than their peers in respect to their access to and participation in the lunch-time supervision service at their school.

    10. The principal shall provide parents an annual summary of information about revenues received from lunch-time supervision service fees, and the cost to the school’s instructional budget for the provision of the lunch-time supervision service.


HH.BP Supervision of Elementary and Junior High Students During Lunch
HHFA.AR Supervision of Students
HNB.AR School Fees
Occupational Health and Safety: Safe Operation of Microwave Ovens