EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » H - Students » HHCE.AR Student Health Emergency Procedures

Student Health Emergency Procedures

  • Code: HHCE.AR
    Topic: Student Health Emergency Procedures
    Issue Date: 29/01/2020
    Effective Date: 29/01/2020
    Review Year: 2008


  1. Ensure that your school has adequate numbers of staff with first aid training as outlined in Part 11 of the Occupational Health and Safety Code (2021) (see Edmonton Public Schools' Guidelines for Compliance with Alberta First Aid Regulation). Staff shall follow guidelines (universal precautions) for Blood Borne Pathogens when dealing with blood and body fluids associated with student injuries (see Occupational Health and Safety Guideline - Blood Borne Diseases). 
  1. Where, in the judgment of an employee or agent of the Board, it is necessary for a student to obtain the services of a medical practitioner/medical facility, the employee or agent of the Board shall attempt to contact the parent or legal guardian immediately, if time permits, or, as soon as possible after medical assistance is provided. 
  1. If a student has suffered a serious injury, an ambulance should be summoned immediately. An employee must accompany or follow the ambulance. 
  1. If an ambulance is not required and if the parent or legal guardian cannot be immediately contacted, the employee or agent of the Board shall:
    1. Arrange for the transportation of the student to a medical facility.
    2. Attend or arrange for another employee's attendance with the student at the medical facility.
    3. Remain with the student until:
      1. relieved by the parent or legal guardian; or
      2. relieved by another employee; or
      3. the student is discharged by the practitioner or medical facility and you return student to school; or
      4. advised by a medical practitioner that there is no further need to remain as the treatment and safety of the child have been undertaken by the medical facility or institution;
    4. Advise the principal or the designate of the situation and action taken so they can continue to try to contact the parent and provide accurate information. 
  1. Blows to the head or abdominal area may not result in readily observable injury; however, such blows should always be treated as potentially serious. Students who have received such blows should be kept under continuous careful observation until medical attention is obtained for the student. The parent or legal guardian is to be advised of the situation and of action taken. 
  1. Ill or injured students should not be left without supervision. Students who become ill during the school day should be returned, as soon as possible, to the care of a parent or legal guardian, or responsible adult designated by the parent or legal guardian. If Section 2 applies and if the parent or legal guardian cannot be contacted, the child should be referred for medical attention (see Section 4 of this regulation). 
  1. The response to specific conditions such as diabetes or the administration of medicine should be handled in accordance with procedures outlined in HHCD.AR - Medication Management or Student Focused Medication Management Plan
  1. The Principal shall require every employee, agent or volunteer involved in obtaining medical services for a student to describe in detail in the First Aid Record the circumstances of any incident requiring the provision of medical services, paying careful attention to time(s) and observation of the student. 
  1. If the injury or illness occurred in a "work-place type setting", e.g., career technology studies (CTS) or as a result of activities related to work experience programs or the Registered Apprenticeship Program (RAP), then the injury may be reportable under Section 18 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act. Injuries or illnesses of this nature should be reported to a Division occupational health and safety consultant, who will advise on any additional reporting requirements. 

The Division maintains liability insurance that provides coverage for employees, agents or volunteers who are acting within the scope of their duties.


HHCD.AR Prescription and Non-Prescription Medication Management
Edmonton Public Schools Guidelines for Compliance with Alberta First Aid Regulation
Occupational Health and Safety Guideline - Blood Borne Diseases
Student Focused Medication Management Plan