Wed, 6 Feb, 2013
Yesterday, the Edmonton Public Schools Board of Trustees unanimously approved the appointment of the City of Edmonton’s Returning Officer for the purposes of the 2013 school board election.
“The decision to retain the City of Edmonton’s Returning Officer builds on the efficiencies the City already has in place,” says Board Chair Sarah Hoffman. “It is great to be able to continue to partner with them to help increase the awareness of the election process.”
The City of Edmonton has conducted the school board elections for the Board for the previous eight municipal elections. They manage all aspects of the election in compliance with the Local Authorities Election Act, including the recruitment of volunteers and staff, and the co-ordination of Nomination Day requirements.
In a cost-sharing agreement, the District’s share for election services will be approximately one million dollars, or 29 per cent of the total municipal election costs in Edmonton.
The full recommendation is available on the website. It provides additional information on the appointment of the City’s Returning Officer.
The next board meeting will take place on February 12, 2013 at 2 p.m.