Thu, 23 Jan, 2014
At its regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, the Edmonton Public Schools Board of Trustees approved plans to submit a statement of endorsement for the report, From Words to Action: Alberta Can Afford a Real Poverty Reduction Strategy. The report, developed in collaboration between the Alberta College of Social Workers, Public Interest Alberta and the Edmonton Social Planning Council, calls for actions that would help the Province make significant progress in ending child poverty by 2017.
“Our Board’s statement of support will be in alignment with Premier Redford’s goal, made in 2012, of committing to a five-year plan to end child poverty,” says, Board Chair Hoffman. “This is a cause that resonates with us – something we see great value in being a part of. We work with amazing community partners every day to support our students at school and in life, and this initiative will help to strengthen that commitment.”
The Board’s endorsement is anchored by the District’s focus on ensuring every student feels confident and ready to learn. Through programs such as full-day Kindergarten and ongoing partnerships with various community organizations, students living in socially vulnerable neighbourhoods are able to benefit from critical supports and resources that help them overcome challenges and experience success.