Tue, 18 Dec, 2012
The Edmonton Public Schools Board of Trustees is currently considering a revised policy on student assessment, achievement and growth. This is the first step in approving a new version of the policy.
As part of the Board’s policy development and review process, the Board considers a new or revised policy three separate times. The Board’s Policy Review Committee presented a draft version of the revised policy to the Board of Trustees for consideration for the first time at the public board meeting on December 11. The Board approved the committee’s recommendation to consider the policy and to post it on the district website for stakeholder input.
The revised policy is now posted on the Edmonton Public Schools website and will be available for input until Thursday, January 31, 2013. Typically draft policies are open for feedback for four weeks. In this case, public input will be gathered for six weeks. Supporting documentation has also been posted with the revised policy. All interested stakeholders are encouraged to review the revised policy and provide feedback via the survey. The input received will be analyzed and considered during the policy’s review and development.
In addition, the Board will be hosting a teleconference at the end of January 2013, which will provide another opportunity for community members to share their feedback on the revised policy. Information on this opportunity will be shared once the details are confirmed.