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Division shares initial results from Student Demographic Survey

Wed, 7 Jun, 2023

News item: Division shares initial results from Student Demographic Survey

In fall of 2022, Edmonton Public Schools conducted a student demographic survey to learn more about the students we serve. Students in Grades 4-12 had the opportunity to share more information about themselves with the Division, including their:

  • Indigenous identity
  • racial identity
  • ethnicity
  • religion or spiritual affiliation
  • gender identity
  • sexual orientation (Grades 7 to 12 only)


Thank you to the more than 55,800 students who participated in the survey. We are incredibly grateful for their willingness to share information about themselves. The information shared with the Division helps us better understand the diversity of students in schools. 


The initial results of the survey are now available in a new report. In the coming weeks and months, the results will be combined with other student information, to better understand how students experience school and where the Division can take action to reduce barriers.


You can watch a new video and read a letter from the Superintendent about these initial survey results by visiting the Student Demographic Survey page.

Learn more about our Anti-racism and Equity policy and plan on the Anti-racism and Equity page.