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Raise Your Voice for READ IN Week 2016

Mon, 19 Sep, 2016

News items: Raise Your Voice for READ IN 2016

Can you raise your voice for READ IN?

Add your voice to READ IN Week from October 3-7. This annual event highlights the importance of reading through events in schools, libraries, workplaces and community organizations. Although literacy and learning events occur throughout the year, READ IN Week is a special time for our schools to welcome volunteers to share their love of reading with students and staff.

This year’s READ IN theme is: One world, many voices.

We share one world and fill it with our many voices. Through reading, we learn from other people’s lives and stories. Reading can inspire us to raise our own voices to tell our own stories.

When did a book last take you on a journey or spark your imagination? When did you last read a story so incredible or so memorable that you couldn’t wait to tell someone else? Help inspire that same excitement and imagination in a child. Come read with us during READ IN Week!


Anyone can participate in READ IN Week! In previous years, we’ve welcomed athletes, politicians, authors, parents, students and community members to classes across Edmonton. Volunteer to read in a Kindergarten to Grade 12 class at a school near you.  

To find a class to read to:


To select a book to read to students:


We want to see all the fun you have during READ IN Week! Tag your photos and experiences on social media with #ReadInWeek


Find more information about READ IN Week, including tips on how to read aloud.

READ IN Week Edmonton partners include the Centre for Family Literacy, Conseil scolaire Centre-Nord, Edmonton Catholic School District, Edmonton Public Library, Edmonton Public Schools, MacEwan University, and the University of Alberta.

Learn more at www.readin.ca