Thu, 10 Jun, 2021
Over the past number of years, the Division has developed tools and practices to support work in literacy and numeracy. To continue to provide schools and teachers with information they can use to plan for teaching and learning, as well as supports and interventions, the Division is implementing the CAT4 (Canadian Achievement Test, Fourth Version) assessment starting in 2021–22.
The CAT4 assessment will be administered to Division students in Grades 2–9 in September and again in May. French Immersion students will start the assessment in Grade 3. Exemptions and accommodations will be determined at each school.
The goal of administering the standardized assessment is to provide teachers and schools with information about student achievement in the fall and their growth by the spring. Teachers will not use the CAT4 results for progress report purposes, and will discuss the assessment and results with families at parent-teacher conferences.
There will be an online systems test between June 18–23, 2021 for all students in the Division who will participate in the assessment in the fall. This includes both in-person and online students.
The online systems test is required to ensure everything works smoothly. The systems test will only take 15 minutes. Students are not being tested or graded, but will simply sign in and complete a small number of sample test items. They will be guided through the systems test by their teachers.
Students learning in-person will have access to Division Chromebooks for the systems test. Preferred devices for students learning online are Chromebooks, laptops or desktop computers.
Families with students learning online at home are encouraged to contact their school to borrow a Chromebook if they do not have one.
More details about the CAT4 assessment in the fall will be provided at a later date.