EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » G - Curriculum and Instruction » GICA.AR Field Trips
To articulate the Superintendent's requirements for the organization, supervision, documentation and approval of field trips to ensure a focus on student learning outcomes and the safety of students.
Field trip is a school activity that occurs outside the boundaries of the student's school, designed to support the student in:
Note: For the purposes of this regulation, off-campus courses and work-study programs as outlined in Administrative Regulation GAA.AR – Off-Campus Education, are not considered to be field trips.
High-risk activity is an activity listed by our Division insurance broker as one that has contributed to the most serious claims across Canada.
Parent(s) includes all legal guardian(s) or independent students.
Principal includes the:
Student(s) includes funded children in Early Education, Early Learning and Kindergarten Programs as well as student(s) as defined within the Alberta Education Funding Manual.
Supervisor includes any staff member or registered volunteer, as per FBCE.AR Volunteers – Registration and Records Checks accompanying students on a field trip.
Teacher-leader is a teacher from the school or an instructor with Metro Continuing Education designated by the principal to be in charge of the field trip.
Division Support Services forms:
- Field Trip Consent Form
- Field Trip Waiver Request: Notice to Parents
- The Field Trip Information and Parental Consent and Authorization Form
- Overnight Field Trip Checklist: In Province and/or Low Risk
- Overnight Field Trip checklist: Out of Province and/or High Risk
- Levels of Ability - Ski Form
- Levels of Ability - Snowboarding Form