EPSB.ca » Schools » Going to School » Awards and Scholarships » Community Awards » Ben Sauve


Ben SauveBen Sauvé was a Grade 12 student enrolled in the Theatre Arts program at Victoria Composite High School (now Victoria School for the Arts). He was tragically killed in a traffic accident on October 5, 1987. His family and friends remember Ben as a gifted, sensitive and dedicated young man who was passionate about the arts. The Ben Sauvé Artstrek Bursary was created by his loved ones to enable other young people to experience the joy of learning while in the Artstrek program. Funds from Ben’s own savings account helped start this bursary.


The purpose of this bursary is to assist an able and dedicated senior high student of the dramatic arts in Edmonton Public Schools who requires financial support to attend Theatre Alberta Artstrek: A Summer Theatre School for Teens

BURSARY AMOUNT: Cost of the Artstrek tuition. 


An applicant must:

  • be registered at an Edmonton Public Schools high school
  • demonstrate financial need that warrants bursary support to attend Artstrek
  • demonstrate excellent achievement in the dramatic arts, sincere dedication to the dramatic arts, and a positive attitude towards the dramatic arts

The school principal will be asked to: 

  • support the student’s application for this bursary
  • verify financial support is essential in order for the applicant to attend Artstrek
  • explain what makes the applicant a worthy recipient of this bursary

Application process


Before completing the application form, the applicant must: 

  • get signed letters of recommendation from two non-family members who are familiar with the student’s dramatic ability and interest in drama, and can speak to how receiving this award will be helpful to the applicant
  • write a maximum 500-word letter to the selection team in which the student describes why they want to attend Artstrek and what they hope to experience in the program, and provide evidence of their excellent achievement in the dramatic arts, sincere dedication to the dramatic arts, a positive attitude towards the dramatic arts and need for this bursary
  • prepare a current resumé of their creative participation (if an applicant doesn’t already have a resumé, they can build one in their myBlueprint account, available through SchoolZone) 


  1. Double-check the "Get ready to apply" section above to make sure you have all requested items. 
  2. Review the important information you need before you apply.
  3. Be sure all parts of your submission are properly prepared and ready to upload. Once you begin the application, there is no option to save your progress.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Monday, April 28, 2025

Apply for this award from February 7–April 28, 2025

Selection process

The selection team will rank each submission on the applicant's:

  • achievement in the dramatic arts
  • dedication to the dramatic arts
  • attitude towards the dramatic arts
  • financial need

The recipient will be contacted in June.