EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » D - Support Services » DK.AR Division Technology

Division Technology

  • Code: DK.AR
    Topic: Division Technology
    Issue Date: 09/08/2024
    Effective Date: 19/05/2000
    Review Year: 2031


To provide clarity and consistency in Division decision-making associated with the provision of Division

To provide direction and clarity to principals and central decision unit (DU) administrators related to the safe and secure access and use of technology in Division learning and working environments.

To support best practices that enable high quality digital learning, teaching and working environments.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to technology that enables computers to perform various functions that would be typically associated with requiring human intelligence. AI involves the development and use of algorithms and systems to learn from various data sets that can perform tasks such as problem-solving, pattern recognition, natural language processing and prediction and more. AI includes generative artificial intelligence, a machine learning system that can create new content such as text, images, music, audio and videos, in response to a prompt or series of prompts.

Division Technology includes those technologies licensed or owned by the Division, including but not limited to: hardware, applications (which may include artificial intelligence), networking and communications equipment.

Technology refers to any hardware, applications (which may include artificial intelligence), networking and communications equipment used in the Division, including those that are personally owned.


The DU administrators responsible for Division technology and information management will be responsible for:

  1. Developing, updating and communicating Division Technology Standards and Technology Use Requirements.
  2. Developing and maintaining plans to support the acquisition and provision of technology across the Division.
  3. Supporting the use of Division technologies.
  4. Collaborating with system leaders responsible for implementing and maintaining a strategic approach to Division technology.

Principals and DU administrators will be responsible for aligning the use of Division technology in their school or central department with Division Technology Standards and Technology Use Requirements.


  1. Principals support student access to appropriate technology in high quality learning environments that enhance learning across the curriculum.

  2. Principals support staff access to appropriate technology in high quality learning and working
    environments that enhance teaching, planning, assessing, reporting and professional learning.

  3. Principals and DU administrators support staff access to and use of technology in a manner that:
    1. Enhances planning, communication, collaboration, financial management and professional learning.
    2. Enables the flow of information and increases efficiencies.
    3. Maintains secure and appropriate access to information and systems.

  4. Principals and DU administrators support technology integration and technology change implemented in the Division.

  5. Principals and DU administrators adhere to Division Technology Standards and Technology Use
    Requirements, and outline procedures for acquiring, developing, maintaining, using, upgrading and disposing of any hardware, applications, data communications and related technologies.

  6. DU administrators ensure Division technology networks, servers, applications and data are secured, available and reliable to support the work of teaching, learning and the operations of the Division.


CNA.AR Security of Personal and Division Information
CW.AR Purchasing and Disposal
DK.BP Division Technology
DKB.AR Appropriate Use of Division Technology
Alberta Education Learning and Technology Policy Framework
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Division Technology Standards
Technology Use Requirements