Tue, 16 Sep, 2014
Math Intervention/Programming Instrument
This year, Edmonton Public Schools will be using a new tool to help teachers know where each student is in their math knowledge and skills and tell us if students need more help in math.
Tue, 17 Jun, 2014
Promoting excellence in the arts with pARTnership
Student artists had their artwork unveiled on June 16 at the opening celebration of the Shaw Conference Centre’s 2014 pARTnership Gallery.
Fri, 25 Apr, 2014
Invention Convention 2014
More than 100 students presented their imaginative solutions to real-life problems at the 7th annual Invention Convention today at the Centre for Edmonton. The students were from Michael Strembitsky, Allendale, Dan Knott, Victoria and Westlawn schools.
Thu, 27 Mar, 2014
District Recognition Nominations Now Being Accepted
Each year the Board of Trustees acknowledges parents, community members, secondary students and staff who have been nominated for their contributions to the District. Nominate a deserving individual or group for the 2013-2014 school year.
Wed, 19 Mar, 2014
Revised School Year Calendars
The 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 school year calendars for Edmonton Public Schools have changed. Over the next two school years, there will be more professional development (PD) days for teachers and one more day in lieu for time they have invested in parent-teacher conferences. Although students will have a few extra days off, they will still receive the same amount of instructional time due to slightly longer school days.
Tue, 7 Jan, 2014
H1N1 Flu Outbreak
As students return from the winter break, our attention turns to the concern of the H1N1 influenza. Get immunized against influenza as soon as possible and keep your child at home if they're experiencing flu-like symptoms.
Tue, 10 Dec, 2013
Redesigned District Website
Edmonton Public Schools has launched a redesigned website at
The new website is a complete reworking of the District’s public-facing site, based on input from parents and stakeholders. The new site focuses more sharply than ever on meeting the needs of families as they make choices about their children’s education.
Mon, 2 Dec, 2013
Space for Our Students – Making Room for Students in Growing Neighbourhoods
If you’ve been to one of the newer areas of the city, you’ll know there are more families and more communities than ever before.
Fri, 22 Nov, 2013
Bill Comrie pays it forward
At the launch of the full-day Kindergarten at Calder School, Edmonton Public Schools Foundation Director, Sandra Woitas announced Bill Comrie has donated $500,000 over the next five years to support a full-day Kindergarten class at one of the high needs schools.
Thu, 21 Nov, 2013
Winter weather tips
Cold temperatures, wind chill and snow can make getting to and from school challenging. This winter season, Edmonton Public Schools is reminding parents, guardians and families of the following:
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