EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » F - Human Resources and Employee Relations » FBC.AR Employment Relationships and Conflict of Interest

Employment Relationships and Conflict of Interest

  • Code: FBC.AR
    Topic: Employment Relationships and Conflict of Interest
    Issue Date: 29/01/2020
    Effective Date: 29/01/2020
    Review Year: 2025


To ensure that Human Resources practices avoid or minimize employment relationships that have the potential to result or appear to result in a conflict of interest or inequities in employment or career opportunities.


Conflict of Interest refers to a situation in which private interests or personal considerations affect or may appear to affect a staff member’s judgment in acting in the best interest of the Division. It includes using an employee’s position, confidential information or corporate time, material or facilities for private gain or advancement. A conflict of interest may occur when an interest benefits any staff member or their family members, friends or business associates. 

Family member includes any person who is a spouse/partner, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew or cousin of the employee or is related by marriage, including in-laws, and individuals who were previously married, or whose relationship with the employee is similar to that of persons who are family members related through marriage, cohabitation, family-like or intimate relationship.


  1. Decision Unit (D.U.) administrators will avoid making or participating in employment decisions that result or may result in a conflict of interest.

  2. Employees will advise their D.U. administrator when an employment action or a change in relationship occurs that results or may result in a conflict of interest, including their relationship to the other employee or candidate seeking employment. The D.U. administrator is responsible for notifying the Chief Human Resources Officer of this information in writing.

  3. The Chief Human Resources Officer will determine, in consultation with appropriate individuals, if any action is required as a result of a conflict of interest. Action may include, but is not limited to reassignment of one of the parties or assignment to a different supervisor. Human Resources is responsible for carrying out any required transfer or consulting with the D. U. administrator when an alternate supervisor needs to be designated.


    1. No employee may participate directly or indirectly in employment decisions that results or may result in a direct reporting/supervisory relationship that creates a conflict of interest or perceptions of preferential treatment (e.g., hiring of a candidate seeking employment; or promotion or evaluation of an employee).

    2. Family members, friends or business associates of current employees may be employed only where there is no increased risk to the Division due to oversight and control of financial, personnel (e.g., performance management, evaluation or promotion) or other related issues.
    1. The Chief Human Resources Officer may consider exceptions to this regulation in extenuating circumstances.


FA.BP Human Resources Framework