Fri, 8 Nov, 2013
Homesteader teacher sings solo part in Bryan Adams music video
Congratulations to Homesteader teacher and military wife Angela Larson who was a principal singer in Bryan Adams’ charity single, Ric-A-Dam-Doo (available for purchase on iTunes) - an effort to raise money for the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry Foundation, which provides funds and programs for active and ex-military personnel in need.
Wed, 6 Nov, 2013
Board selects Chair, Vice-Chair and agrees in principle to agreement with Edmonton Public Teachers Local No. 37
At yesterday’s organizational board meeting, the Board of Trustees elected Trustee Sarah Hoffman as Board Chair and Trustee Michael Janz as Vice-Chair for the 2013-2014 school year.
Sun, 30 Jun, 2013
New Principals 2013 - 2014
The District welcomes 15 new principals to serve as instructional leaders for the 2013-2014 school year. Principals hold a pivotal role in our District by providing leadership, direction and co-ordination at each of our schools.
Wed, 12 Jun, 2013
Edmonton Public Schools wins first place at Corporate Challenge
Corporate Challenge has wrapped up for this year and Edmonton Public Schools has come out on top – taking first place in the Red Division (made up of the largest companies of employed staff in the city) for the second year in a row.
Wed, 20 Mar, 2013
Board votes against endorsing proposed agreement
At yesterday’s regularly scheduled board meeting, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to advise the Alberta School Boards Association (ASBA) not to endorse the proposed agreement between the Government of Alberta and the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
Fri, 15 Mar, 2013
Board expresses concerns over budget and proposed agreement with teachers
At a media availability on Friday afternoon, Sarah Hoffman, Board Chair of Edmonton Public Schools, communicated the Board’s perspective on the budget and the tentative agreement between the Government and the Alberta Teachers’ Association.
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