EPSB.ca » Our Division » Board Policies & Administrative Regulations » F - Human Resources and Employee Relations » FA.BP Human Resources Framework

Human Resources Framework

  • Code: FA.BP
    Topic: Human Resources Framework
    Issue Date: 20/06/2018
    Effective Date: 19/06/2018
    Review Year: 2022


To provide a framework that guides a comprehensive human resource strategy to attract, develop, engage, and retain qualified staff to support the District Vision, Mission, Values, and Priorities.

To reflect the Board of Trustees’ (the Board) mandated responsibility and expectation for providing a welcoming, inclusive, safe and healthy learning and working environment throughout the District.

A human resources framework supports the Board in meeting its responsibility to establish and maintain governance and organizational capability that promotes student and staff well-being and success, and effectively addresses potential legal, operational, or financial risk.


Definitions for the following terms and for terminology for all other policies related to AE.BP Welcoming, Inclusive, Safe and Healthy Learning and Working Environments are found in a Glossary of Terms (linked in References).

  • Conflict of Interest
  • Human Resource Strategy
  • Internal Controls
  • Organizational Capability
  • Wellness


Student success is achieved through high quality learning opportunities supported by meaningfully engaged students, staff, and communities. The Board recognizes that human resources are critical in meeting the diverse needs of students and supporting the District Vision, Mission, Values, and Priorities. The Board values the dedication, professional contributions, achievements, and performance of District staff that are committed and engaged in supporting and advancing student learning and achievement, the District’s reputation, and public support for education.

The Board affirms the rights, as provided for in the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, of each staff member employed by the Board and each student enrolled in a school operated by the Board. Staff members employed by the Board and students enrolled in a school operated by the Board will not be discriminated against as provided for in the Alberta Human Rights Act or the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms

The Board is committed to transparent and clearly communicated human resource management practices that:

  • meet all legislated requirements, collective agreements and terms and conditions of employment, and consider current and future District needs, fiscal responsibility, market conditions, and organizational health;
  • attract, recruit and retain the most qualified and high performing individuals available based on the requirements of the position and the needs of the District;
  • ensure continuity of instruction and District services are maintained while supporting staff  in balancing work and personal needs;
  • are free of bias resulting from any prejudice, and ensure procedural fairness and equity for employment and advancement;
  • promote positive, safe, and respectful working environments that foster collaborative and responsible behaviour and reflects the diversity of our community;    
  • consider the impact on student and staff wellness and safety when making and implementing decisions; and
  • achieve desired outcomes in an ethical, efficient and effective manner. 

The Board believes that District management practices that promote and support a culture of staff wellness, continuous growth, engagement, accountability, and innovation are critical to building staff capacity and organizational capability. Further, the Board believes that:

  • all staff share responsibility to contribute to creating and maintaining welcoming, caring, respectful, and safe learning and working environments that honour diversity and foster a sense of belonging;
  • a District culture of collaboration and evidence-based decision making supports innovation and calculated risk-taking;
  • the involvement of staff in decision making that affects their work increases employee engagement, performance, and productivity;
  • staff who are valued, supported, and trusted by the District behave accordingly in interactions with students, colleagues, and other education stakeholders;
  • positive working relationships between the District and staff group representatives developed through regular communication and consultation using a collaborative, interest-based approach can best address both District and staff needs; and
  • an ongoing supervision and evaluation process of collaboratively setting goals, coaching, staff development, and recognition of contributions supports continuous growth,  improved staff performance, and succession planning. 

The Board believes it is important to create and maintain a culture of integrity through clearly defined and communicated expectations for the conduct and accountability of all staff and exemplary leadership.  The Board maintains high standards for ethical conduct and expects all staff to:

  • avoid and disclose potential conflicts of interest; 
  • fulfill the responsibilities of their positions in an honest, diligent, and lawful manner;
  • treat all people with dignity, respect, and consideration in carrying out their duties;
  • be careful stewards of District resources; and
  • adhere to Board policies, and administrative regulations and directives of the Superintendent of Schools.    

In addition to the School Act, other federal and provincial legislation places obligations on the Board with respect to human resource management practices. Subject to the limitations laid out in this policy, the Board delegates authority for all human resource management decisions to the Superintendent of Schools, or designate, as required in accordance with:

  • federal and provincial legislation;
  • Section 61of the School Act except those matters which the Board cannot delegate; and
  • the direction provided in this policy. 

Specifically, this delegation of authority includes authorization of the Superintendent of Schools to:

  • suspend the services of a teacher under the School Act section 105(1) and 105(2); and  
  • terminate the services of a teacher pursuant to section 107 of the School Act.  

The Board retains authority to approve:

  • the designation or appointment of Superintendent of Schools and General Counsel; and
  • all collective agreements and terms and conditions of employment for staff not covered by a collective agreement. 


  1. The Superintendent of Schools shall implement this policy through:
    1. establishment of a comprehensive human resource strategy;
    2. the assignment of roles, responsibilities and authority; and
    3. the development of administrative regulations, processes, and internal controls aligned with provincially and federally legislated requirements and recognized standards of practice for public bodies.
  2. The Superintendent of Schools shall inform the Board of all designations and appointments of assistant superintendent, executive director, managing director, director, and principal to the District, and confirmation of new principal designations. 

  3. The Superintendent of Schools shall provide the Board the opportunity to identify desired competencies when recruiting for positions working directly with the Board on a regular basis. 


The Superintendent of Schools shall provide the Board with information on implementation of the policy through the annual budget and results review process, and in the annual Alberta Education Results Report. 


AEBB.BP Wellness of Students and Staff
AEBC.AR Acknowledging Student, Staff and Trustee Deaths and Bereavements
AGA.BP Recognition of Students, Staff, Parents, and the Community
CH.BP Framework for Policy Development and Review
CHA.BP Board Delegation of Authority
CN.BP Managing Division Information
CNA.BP Information Security
CO.BP Fiscal Oversight and Accountability
FBA.AR Designation, Appointment and Assignment to Leadership Positions
FBCA.AR Respectful Working Environments
FBCD.AR Mandatory Records Check(s) for Employees
FBCE.AR Volunteers - Registration and Records Checks
FBE.AR Health and Wellness of Staff and Students
FBEA.AR Health and Safety Roles and Responsibilities
FBEB.AR Workplace Violence
FBEC.AR Public Interest Disclosure (Whistleblower Protection)
FBM.AR Grievance Process
FCA.AR Staff Qualifications Targets
FCAA.AR Contracts for Certificated Staff

FCB.AR Staffing Procedures Document
FCBD.AR Time in Recognition of Duties Related to Reporting Student Achievement
FGB.BP Evaluation of Superintendent of Schools
FGCA.AR Supervision and Evaluation of Teachers
FGCB.AR Supervision and Evaluation of Exempt Non-Management Staff
FGCC.AR Supervision and Evaluation of Custodial, Maintenance and Support Staff
FIA.AR Pensions
FJA.AR Staff Participation in Alberta Education Activities
FJB.AR Staff Out-of-Division Exchanges
FJC.AR Staff Secondments to External Agencies
FJD.AR Leaves of Absence - Community Service
FJE.AR Leaves of Absence - Military Service
FJF.AR Leaves of Absence - Personal
FLC.AR School Professional Development Days
FBCB.AR Division Staff Code of Conduct
Alberta Employment Standards Code and Regulations
Alberta Human Rights Act
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act
Education Act

(Please see Section 45.1(1)(3))

Glossary of Terms