All News
Mon, 3 Feb, 2014
Craig Kielburger Keynote Presentation at GETCA 2014
On February 26, we're pleased to present Free the Children's Craig Kielburger for a GETCA keynote presentation about mentoring kids to active, engaged citizens.
Fri, 31 Jan, 2014
Provide feedback to draft District Priorities
Your voice and perspective is valuable in the work to finalize District Priorities - provide your feedback by completing the online survey from February 3 - 14.
Thu, 23 Jan, 2014
Board committed to joining cause to end child poverty
Edmonton Public Schools Board of Trustees approved plans to submit a statement of endorsement for the report, From Words to Action: Alberta Can Afford a Real Poverty Reduction Strategy, calling for progress in ending child poverty by 2017.
Tue, 7 Jan, 2014
H1N1 Flu Outbreak
As students return from the winter break, our attention turns to the concern of the H1N1 influenza. Get immunized against influenza as soon as possible and keep your child at home if they're experiencing flu-like symptoms.
Wed, 18 Dec, 2013
Lillian Osborne School Awarded Silver LEED Designation
Lillian Osborne is the first school in the District to meet the rigorous certification standards to qualify for a LEED Designation.
Tue, 10 Dec, 2013
Redesigned District Website
Edmonton Public Schools has launched a redesigned website at
The new website is a complete reworking of the District’s public-facing site, based on input from parents and stakeholders. The new site focuses more sharply than ever on meeting the needs of families as they make choices about their children’s education.
Wed, 4 Dec, 2013
Board hears District Infrastructure Strategy to address student population growth and aging buildings
At its regularly scheduled meeting on December 3, the Edmonton Public Schools Board of Trustees were presented with the District’s Infrastructure Strategy, which addresses the issue of growing neighbourhoods and includes the District Accommodation Plan for New and Developing Neighbourhoods.
Mon, 2 Dec, 2013
Space for Our Students – Making Room for Students in Growing Neighbourhoods
If you’ve been to one of the newer areas of the city, you’ll know there are more families and more communities than ever before.
Thu, 21 Nov, 2013
Janz elected to ASBA Executive
At the Alberta School Boards Association’s (ASBA) Annual Fall meeting earilier this week, Michael Janz, Vice-Chair of the Edmonton Public School Board, was elected as the ASBA’s Vice-President.
Fri, 8 Nov, 2013
Remembrance Day Ceremonies across Edmonton Public Schools
Many of our schools are hosting Remembrance Day ceremonies to honour the thousands of Canadians who fought and gave their lives for the cause of freedom, and for those who continue to serve on peacekeeping and peacemaking missions in countries around the world.
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