All News
Tue, 5 Nov, 2013
Harry Ainlay School hosts Junior High Leadership Conference
Harry Ainlay School, along with the Alberta Association of Student Councils and Advisors (AASCA), will host this year’s Junior High Leadership Conference themed “Lights, Camera, Leadership” on November 8 and 9.
Mon, 28 Oct, 2013
Heritage Valley and Terwillegar Heights school site sign unveilings
The signs at Heritage Valley and Terwillegar Heights school sites were recently unveiled. Both sites are located in southwest Edmonton.
Thu, 24 Oct, 2013
Exploring and learning outside the classroom at Grandview Heights School
On Thursday Grades 4 and 5 students at Grandview Heights School went on a virtual field trip to polar bear country! This opportunity was made possible by Google and Polar Bears International teaming up to collect Google Street View imagery of the polar bear.
Wed, 23 Oct, 2013
RT. Hon. Michaëlle Jean to visit Jasper Place High School
On October 25, the Rt. Hon. Michaëlle Jean, 27th Governor General and Commander-in-Chief of Canada, will visit Jasper Place School, where her Foundation is supporting an academic achievement and youth engagement project in Edmonton.
Tue, 22 Oct, 2013
2014 Great Kids Award
Edmonton Public Schools is filled with students who have done great things—at home, at school or in the community. Consider nominating them for a 2014 Great Kids Award, hosted by the Ministry of Human Services.
Thu, 17 Oct, 2013
Edmonton Public Schools to recognize top students
The Edmonton Public Schools’ Board of Trustees will recognize 92 outstanding students at its annual Student Awards Night celebration on Thursday, October 17 in the Eva O. Howard Theatre, Victoria School.
Tue, 8 Oct, 2013
Trustee Candidate Videos
All officially registered Trustee candidates for the Edmonton Public School Board in the upcoming municipal election were invited to share their thoughts via video on educational issues by making a brief statement and responding to the following questions:
Mon, 7 Oct, 2013
Celebrating 24 years of READ IN at Edmonton Public Schools
Edmonton Public Schools is proud to be a part of the 24th annual READ IN taking place October 7 to 11 – an annual weeklong event that promotes literacy awareness and encourages everyone in the community to get excited about reading
Wed, 2 Oct, 2013
Edmonton Public Schools releases student achievement results
The District’s student achievement results for the 2012-2013 school year show progress in a number of key areas and that trend is expected to continue.
Wed, 18 Sep, 2013
Board wraps up business for term
Yesterday, the Board of Trustees held the last meeting of its three year term of office, debating and approving a number of important policies.
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