All News
Wed, 3 Sep, 2014
Trustees want to work with provincial and municipal counterparts to alleviate space pressures
Trustees passed a motion to connect with Edmonton MLAs and city council to increase awareness of infrastructure needs for district students at their first board meeting of the school year.
Wed, 25 Jun, 2014
Board of Trustees Approves Replacement School for Greater Lawton Area
At yesterday's public board meeting, Trustees unanimously approved the construction of a replacement school at the Rundle site in the Greater Lawton area.
Wed, 25 Jun, 2014
Board of Trustees approve 2014-2015 budget
At yesterday's public board meeting, Trustees approved the budget for the upcoming school year, which includes more than 100 new teaching positions and ensuring all elementary schools have security cameras.
Wed, 25 Jun, 2014
Designated Professional Accountant Wanted for Board’s Audit Committee
Apply to be one of two external members on the Audit Committee before September 26. Trustees are seeking one external designated professional accountant to serve as a volunteer for the next four years.
Thu, 19 Jun, 2014
Replacement School Project: Superintendent's Recommendation
At the public board meeting on Tuesday, June 24, 2014, Superintendent Robertson recommended to the Board of Trustees that the Greater Lawton area receive the new replacement school and that it be built on the Rundle School site.
Wed, 18 Jun, 2014
Board of Trustees Approve Wellness Policy
The Edmonton Public School Board unanimously approved a wellness policy for staff and students at its meeting Tuesday and also heard highlights of the District’s annual report on the wellness of staff and students.
Tue, 17 Jun, 2014
Promoting excellence in the arts with pARTnership
Student artists had their artwork unveiled on June 16 at the opening celebration of the Shaw Conference Centre’s 2014 pARTnership Gallery.
Fri, 13 Jun, 2014
Student Transportation Fees Update for Parents
On June 10, the Board of Trustees approved the 2014-2015 bus pass fees. In order to maintain the same level of service we have now, we’ve had to increase the costs for bus passes for elementary and junior/senior high students.
Tue, 3 Jun, 2014
Celebrating The Journey of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Graduates
Sixty First Nations, Métis and Inuit high school graduates attended the 7th annual Honouring Celebration on May 27.
Wed, 21 May, 2014
2014 Excellence in Teaching Awards Announced
On May 21, Alberta Education announced the 20 educators from across Alberta that will receive Excellence in Teaching Awards for 2014, including eight teachers with Edmonton Public Schools.
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